Azure Search indexer with JSON array
azure search knowledge-mining

This article describes how to work with more complex JSON documents within Azure Search indexer.
September 17, 2019

Azure Search is powerful service for knowledge extraction. One of the nice things it can do is ingest and parse various types of files from Azure Storage and make them searchable. This article describes how to work with more complex JSON documents.

While it's possible to use the Azure Portal for index definition, recommended ways for iterative development are either REST or SDK. I used the C# SDK, because that's closer to me.


Key elements of building an index for JSON documents with multiple documents inside one file:

Parameters = new IndexingParameters()
	Configuration = new Dictionary<string, object>()
		{ "dataToExtract", "contentAndMetadata" },
		{ "parsingMode", "jsonArray" }

Indexing complex JSON from Storage

Indexers are great for pumping data into search index from various sources. They can be executed once or repeatedly, per defined schedule, and they can map source data to custom search fields. One of the great things they can do is parsing JSON files into search documents. There are three modes available:

By default indexer parses blobs as simple text, without any object representation.

I used jsonArray mode because my typical JSON file had structure similar to this one:

		"OffsetInSeconds": 0.98,
		"DurationInSeconds": 15,98,
		"SpeakerId": null,
		"NBest": [
				"Confidence": 0.901238,
				"Sentiment": null,
				"Prop1": "somestring",
				"Prop2": "somestring",
				"Display": "Somestring."
		"OffsetInSeconds": 28.08,
		..... the same structure as previous....

That is - text file with JSON array containing objects with properties and nested arrays.

NuGet & SearchServiceClient

The C# SDK path begins by installing the appropriate NuGet package:

Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Search


var searchClient = new SearchServiceClient("name", new SearchCredentials("key"));

Where "name" is the Search service resource name and "key" is one of the admin keys from Azure Portal.

Data source

Next step is creating a data source in Azure Search. In this case I'm using Azure Blob Storage (DataSourceType.AzureBlob) and pointing to the final folder in the test container.

string dataSourceName = "testsource";
string containerName = "test";
string folder = "final";

var dataSource = new DataSource()
    Name = dataSourceName,
    Type = DataSourceType.AzureBlob,
    Credentials = new DataSourceCredentials("connection string"),
    Container = new DataContainer()
        Name = containerName,
        Query = folder



Next is index. It would be convenient to mirror the JSON file structure, but I wanted to use my own schema:

The index itself doesn't contain any field mappings, so the definition in C# is quite straight-forward:

string indexName = "testindex";

var index = new Index()
    Name = indexName,
    Fields = new List<Field>()
        new Field("id", DataType.String)
            IsKey = true,
        new Field("file_name", DataType.String)
            IsRetrievable = true
        new Field("offset", DataType.Double)
            IsRetrievable = true
        new Field("duration", DataType.Double)
            IsRetrievable = true
        new Field("content", DataType.String)
            IsSearchable = true,
            IsRetrievable = true



Indexer is responsible for the transformation of JSON data in Storage blobs into search index fields defined in previous step. Let's see the definition:

string indexerName = "testindexer";
string targetIndexName = "testindex";
string dataSourceName = "testsource";

var indexer = new Indexer()
    Name = indexerName,
    DataSourceName = dataSourceName,
    TargetIndexName = targetIndexName,
    Parameters = new IndexingParameters()
        Configuration = new Dictionary<string, object>()
            { "dataToExtract", "contentAndMetadata" },
            { "parsingMode", "jsonArray" }
    FieldMappings = new List<FieldMapping>()
        new FieldMapping("AzureSearch_DocumentKey", "id", FieldMappingFunction.Base64Encode()),
        new FieldMapping("metadata_storage_name", "file_name"),
        new FieldMapping("/OffsetInSeconds", "offset"),
        new FieldMapping("/DurationInSeconds", "duration"),
        new FieldMapping("/NBest/0/Display", "content")


Key pieces here are:

If the mapped field doesn't exist in the JSON document, it's just skipped without error. Thanks to this it's possible to index documents with different schemas.

This indexer runs only once after creation, because it doesn't contain any definition of schedule.


If everything went fine, you should see how many documents were indexed and how much space it took in Azure Search.

Indexer results - 6123 docs succeeded

Filled index - 6123 documents and 5,46 MB

What happend to me at first was that the number of processed documents was 6000, but the index contained only 50. This happened because I didn't use unique IDs per document, but only per source file. Solution is the AzureSearch_DocumentKey.

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