Web Chat events summary
bot-framework web-chat

List of Web Chat event types with respective payloads
July 1, 2019

Managing Azure from .NET
dotnet azure

This article contains the code needed for using the Azure .NET SDK to manage Azure resources from server applications.
June 2, 2019

OpenVPN tunnel with Microsoft Azure
azure vpn open-vpn

How I used Microsoft Azure and OpenVPN to create my own VPN tunel, for just a few EUR/month.
April 16, 2019

ChoicePrompt with buttons in Teams
bot-framework teams

When you use ChoicePrompt as described in samples and docs Teams channel doesn't display buttons.
April 1, 2019

Interactive C# on Linux
dotnet linux

How to use dotnet tool to run C# commands interactively on a Linux (Ubuntu) machine
February 6, 2019

Parsing SoundCloud RSS with .NET
rss soundcloud net static-web

January 15, 2019

Continuous speech to text on the server with Cognitive Services
cognitive-services speech

January 4, 2019

Formatting TimeSpan in PowerShell
powershell parsing

Exploring custom format strings for TimeSpan in PowerShell and C#.
December 4, 2018

Azure Pipelines as build system for GitHub
devops vsts github

November 6, 2018

Bot to web communication with Azure Bot Service
bot-framework web-chat

October 29, 2018